
The most handicapped person in the world
is the negative thinker.

A negative thought is always one of denial.
-Lucille Cedercrans

Negativity is wanting things to be different from the way they are.
Or, to put it another way,
if you are content with the way things are,
then there is no negativity.
-Georgia Nicols

Negativity comes from discontent...
We feel incapable of manifesting the quantity and quality
of all that is flowing through us.
This is the principle cause of negativity
and it actually contributes negativity to the world.
-Martin Schulman

Negativity is often the reflection
of an experience that has not been
adequately processed, expressed or eliminated.
-Bruce Burger

Let's not be
narrow, nasty and negative.
-T. S. Eliot

You don't stop being negative by being positive.
You stop being negative by recognizing truth.
-Lee  Lozowick

Be as positive
as you have allowed yourself to be negative.